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  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Breve mirada al proceso de urbanización en el Meta y Villavicencio, desde la nueva presión económica y social
    (revista GEON, 2014-07-16) Suárez Puerto, Lilia; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON; Revista GEON
    El proceso de urbanización requiere considerar tanto elementos de desarrollo económico, como los de desarrollo social, y los de conservación ambiental; pero sobre todo caracterizar los elementos del contexto cultural en armonía con las necesidades de uso del suelo, en la que garantice la participación de todos los actores y se generen proyectos y programas que obedezcan a intereses colectivos que no admitan sesgos, a la luz del desarrollo económico regional de inversionistas y desarrolladores urbanísticos; en los que se sigan trasladando los problemas de Bogotá a la región , debido a la significativa movilidad de población flotante con todas sus implicaciones y perjuicios para los habitantes regionales.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Análisis en el reconocimiento, medición y revelación de ingresos por servicios para las pymes hoteleras del sector ecoturismo a partir de las NIIF para pymes
    (Revista GEON / Gestión, Organizaciones y negocios, 2021-09-22) Salinas Palacio, Oscar William; Serrano Rincón, Johanna Cristina
    Problemática: tras la implementación del marco normativo de las NIIF para pymes en Colombia, las empresas hoteleras del sector ecoturismo han demostrado incrementos económicos relevantes, lo que ha aumentado su competitividad y productividad empresarial; sin embargo, son escasas las referencias bibliográficas que permiten analizar dichos efectos. Objetivos: se pretende analizar la forma que emplean estas empresas para reconocer, medir y revelar los ingresos de actividades ordinarias por los servicios de alojamiento de huéspedes. Materiales y métodos: se emplea una metodología dinámica que incluye la revisión documental del marco legal y normativo contable, repositorios académicos y el análisis de informes oficiales, aplicando una investigación exploratoria y explicativa del marco técnico normativo vigente, mediante un enfoque mixto cuantitativo y cualitativo en la investigación. Resultados: los ingresos por servicios hoteleros se realizan conforme a los Decretos 2706 de 2012 y 3022 de 2013. Son reconocidos cuando se puede realizar una medición fiable y se traslada el control, los riesgos y las ventajas del bien o servicio al cliente. Su medición se fundamenta en el valor razonable aplicando el método de mercado activo. Discusión: la aplicación de la sección 23 de las NIIF para pymes no ha afectado el rendimiento económico de las pymes del sector ecoturismo; por el contrario, han generado mayor inversión extranjera y flujos de capital. Conclusiones: las empresas del grupo dos y tres aplican NIIF para pymes, las cuales pueden incorporar la sección 23 a sus políticas individuales. Contribución/originalidad: se espera formular una guía de implementación de la norma contable para el reconocimiento, medición y revelación de ingresos por servicios para las empresas hoteleras del sector ecoturismo que cumplan las exigencias para aplicar las NIIF del grupo dos y, en el caso de las microempresas del grupo tres, si quisieran incorporar la sección 23 a sus políticas individuales.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    La Generación de Valor Entre las Personas y las Organizaciones
    (Revista GEON (Gestión, Organizaciones y Negocios), 2020-01-20) Torres-Flórez, Torres-Flórez
    The work of human management is to achieve the generation of value in organizations, for this it must contribute to mediation between management and collaborators, it is necessary that each do their part, since it must be a teamwork with synergy that achieves contribute to the achievement of organizational goals so that all interest groups walk towards the same specific objectives, effective organizational development.
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    Eco Innovación y Tecnología en el Sector de la Energía en la República Dominicana
    (Revista GEON (Gestión, Organizaciones y Negocios), 2020-01-20) Almánzar Fortuna, Ricardo Joel
    The energy for the development and growth of any country plays an important role, while first-hand input to achieve the transformation of goods and services in the world today. Based on the findings in the 1992 Rio Summit the world echoed the need for a significant change in the way of producing energy, which among other factors, has a direct effect on the conservation of the natural environment and with a drag of the quality of life and health of the people. In the current decade has made great advances in the production of energy from clean, renewable sources, with the aim to reduce carbon footprint, the emission of greenhouse gases, in addition to having a schema generation more efficient and less expensive in the long term, giving way to a sustainability over time and a sustainability in the present. For human beings to have access to energy has a direct and indirect in their quality of life, as it is able to re-evaluate the use of natural resources for everyday activities such as lighting, cooking food with firewood, among others. In addition, on the general level people feel more comfortable and at ease, at the same time that their level of resilience grows.
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    Novedosa Herramienta Didáctica para la Conversión de Tasas de Interés Financiero
    (Revista GEON (Gestión, Organizaciones y Negocios), 2020-01-20) Triana Lozano, Milton Hernando
    The conversion of rates or equivalence of interest rates is the initial and fundamental basis for the proper understanding of the topics of financial mathematics. Traditional methods are all effective (they achieve their objective), but at the same time they are very complex and often not as efficient in the teaching-learning process. Initially, it was necessary to carry out a documentary work with multiple bibliographic consultations to understand the structure and operation of the traditional methods for the conversion of rates. A tool, called the “MILHER Matrix” was built, which facilitates the work of conversion of rates for its practicality and efficiency, for which an initial experimental phase was taken and the quantitative method was used, making approchaes with key practical exercises, both teachers and students of financial mathematics. The results have been positive, since the “MILHER Matrix” contrasted with the traditional methods in terms of practicality is less complex and friendlier in its use, and in terms of efficiency it facilitates a very interesting time saving of the resource, achieving identical and similar results that with the traditional methods used for the same purpose. It is expected to continue applying this innovative educational tool with the university academic community inside and outside the country.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    La Competitividad en una Empresa Forestal Comunitaria
    (Revista GEON (Gestión, Organizaciones y Negocios), 2020-01-20) Hernandez Bautista, Victor; Duana Avila, Danae; Santiago López, Zenón
    Forest utilization plays a fundamental role for the supply of raw material to the forest industry and the socio-economic development of forest communities, given its natural potential in providing goods and services. There are several studies of forest management, but few on competitiveness of productive chains. The present investigation was carried out in the forest community of Capulalpam de Méndez, Ixtlán, Oaxaca, Mexico and is considered a non-experimental design because the phenomenon was observed as it occurs in its natural context, to later analyze it without manipulating variables The results obtained show that the indicators: Productivity, product quality, profitability and market share, with values ​​of 0.75, 0.75, 0.70 and 0.62 respectively, are the most important indicators that determine the achievement of the company's competitiveness.
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    Educación Integral para el Éxito Profesional del Administrador
    (Revista GEON (Gestión, Organizaciones y Negocios), 2020-01-20) Morales Mejía, Guadalupe; Bahena Benítez, Falinda Elizabeth
    Education in Mexico has been the subject of study for decades, in media such as international congresses, public policies, plans and government programs that have determined the importance it has in teaching and transcendence for the training of students in basic education articulated with educational programs that lead to integral education, seen as the formation of aspects: intellectual, emotional, social, physical, that strengthen children and thus acquire the skills and values ​​to face a demanding and competitive society as professionals. The research was conducted in 3 primary schools in the city of Puebla, all agreed that students graduate with low academic performance, lack of values ​​and poor skills, so when they arrive at the University where we receive them, they present weaknesses in knowledge, commitment, responsibility. Therefore it is necessary to implement a model of Integral Education with which the necessary knowledge and skills are obtained that in turn would motivate them to enter the University and likewise would graduate with the skills that allow them a better performance as professionals to occupy a place in the MSMEs that represent 90% of the Companies in Puebla and generate 72% of employment (INEGI 2017) being the source of subsistence for the Poblana society
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Propuesta de una Herramienta de Emprendimiento en el Diseño de un Modelo de Negocio
    (Revista GEON (Gestión, Organizaciones y Negocios), 2020-01-20) Gazca Herrera, Luis Alejandro; Gómez Cabañas, José Rafael; Garizurieta Bernabe, Jessica; Castro Naranjo, Fredy
    The evolution of the entrepreneurship has led to the development and application of different tools that allow the achievement of their goals. Currently, the entrepreneurs consider innovation and business models as two fundamental objectives of their structure, so they make use of methodologies that allow them to create strategies and value propositions that generate a positive impact on the acceptance of their products and services. Design thinking, Lean startup and Business model canvas represent three revolutionary instruments for the design and innovation of business and products. Its use has been popularized by large companies such as Apple or IDEO. The present investigation makes a documentary review about the three most used entrepreneurial tools in Mexico: Canvas, Design Thinking and Lean Startup; in order to analyze its application structure and propose an 11-step model that allows measuring the impact of solutions based on the design of a business model, in a more comprehensive way
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Gestión del Conocimiento de Social Media Marketing, para Aumentar las Ventas de las Micro-empresas de Servicios, Cuyos Clientes son Parte de una Comunidad Universitaria. Caso Ciudad de Puebla
    (Revista GEON (Gestión, Organizaciones y Negocios), 2020-01-20) Moreno Cortés, Karla Coré; Romano Cadena, María Martha del Socorro; García Alarcón, María del Refugio
    Social networks offer important benefits marketing terms, among the most important is the detailed markets segmentation and low publicity costs. Despite this, SMEs, which represent a high index in Mexico, do not have the knowledge to fully exploit the benefits of social media marketing. The objective of the article was to propose effective strategies for the implementation of social media marketing, to increase sales in service SMEs that have as potential clients, university communities. The present investigation used a simple descriptive correlational design, interviews were conducted with micro-business owners and a 7-question quizz applied to the university community (potential clients) Among the main results, it was found that the university community uses social networks little with purchase objectives, and in the cases in which they have bought, they have been tangible products but not services. Therefore, in the article conclussions, specific strategies applicable to service SMEs are presented, which in turn can be translated into increased sales.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Comunicación Organizacional Interna y su Relación con la Satisfacción de los Empleados de una Empresa Concesionaria de Automóviles de Piedras Negras Coahuila
    (Revista GEON (Gestión, Organizaciones y Negocios), 2020-01-20) Valenzuela Salazar, Nemecio Lorenzo; Buentello Martínez, Clara Patricia; Villarreal Sánchez, Verónica Lizzeth; Ruiz Briones, Claudia Teresa
    Communication within an organization is of the utmost importance since through it the strategies are deployed in order that all its workers reach the company objectives. The objective of this investigation is to analyze how this internal communication relates to the satisfaction of the employees and their superiors of the Piedras Negras Coahuila car dealership. This study is descriptive and correlational, a survey was used to collect the perceptions of all employees if the company. The result of the investigation shows that the employees are satisfied with the internal communication that takes place between the same colleagues as well as with their superiors
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Implementación de la NIC 41 AGRICULTURA en el Registro Contable de las Empresas Agrícolas Colombianas: Implicaciones y Beneficios
    (Revista GEON (Gestión, Organizaciones y Negocios), 2020-01-20) Corredor Marroquin, Frazier Josep
    In light of the lack of accuracy in the accountable methods regarding the Decree 2649 of 1993 and the demands of an international and globalized market, it´s neccesary to modernize and standarize the accountable methods of the colombian agricultural companies. This modernization and adequacy to the international standards act as an increase in productivity, competitiveness and profitability to those companies that adopt it. The different accountable researches made in Colombia as well as in other places all over Latin America in relation to the adoption of the standard NIC 41 determine that its implementation is a big step forward for the agricultural companies. Due to the proven implications in several agricultural crops in different territories, the entrepreneurs and accountants need greater training in this field in order to achieve a majority adoption of this standard. This would lead to an increase in competitiveness and would strengthen the colombian business network facing the new challenges of the global market.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Caracterización de las Prácticas Contables de Costos y Presupuestos en las Unidades Productivas de la Comuna 8 de Villavicencio
    (Revista GEON (Gestión, Organizaciones y Negocios), 2020-01-20) Velásquez Carrillo, Julieth Lorena
    This article show the result of the investigation project about the identification of accounting practices of cost and the budgets of the productive units in the Villavicencio Commune 8, Ciudad Porfía neighborhood. The study was executed trough of techniques as observation, interviews and surveys that allowed identify and assess the cost management in seventy-three (73) entreprises and evince the main characteristics of the cost management process, planning process, expense budget, control and take decisions. The absence of cost systems, conformation of expenses budget, accounting information analysis in order to take decision result in the close of the establishments. these variables result the factors more comon in these kind of business as well as the informality of their commercial activities and the workers hiring.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Restricción Presupuestaria y Desempeño Fiscal de Santander de Quilichao- Colombia, 2004-2016
    (Revista GEON (Gestión, Organizaciones y Negocios), 2020-01-20) Hernandez Garcia, Edwin Arbey; Zapata Prado, María Alejandra; González Tique, Sergio Leonardo; Armas Moyano, Andrés Anibal
    El objetivo del artículo es analizar la restricción presupuestaria del municipio de Santander de Quilichao (Cauca) durante el periodo 2004-2016, mostrando el déficit fiscal primario de acuerdo a la teoría fiscal. La metodología abarca un análisis descriptivo de los gastos e ingresos, como componentes principales de la restricción presupuestaria, y además se presentan los índices de desempeño fiscal con el fin de analizar el comportamiento financiero de la entidad gubernamental, dada la presentación de indicadores fiscales del Departamento Nacional de Planeación –DNP–. Se concluye que la situación fiscal de Santander de Quilichao es sostenible y que la gestión de control en los gastos ha sido prudente en el periodo de referencia
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Medición del Clima Organizacional en una Pyme del Sector Servicios de la Región Centro de Hidalgo
    (Revista GEON (Gestión, Organizaciones y Negocios), 2020-01-20) Rodríguez Martínez, Jocelyn Estrella; Martínez Muñoz, Enrique; Duana Avila, Danae; Hernández Gracia, Tirso Javier
    In recent years, SMEs have increased, mainly those in the service sector, which offer innumerable opportunities to stimulate growth and employment in a country. However, despite the fact that SMEs are the fundamental pillar of modern organizations, their growth has slowed in recent years due to the low productivity they have had. One of the weaknesses of SME managers is not considering their employees as internal customers, they forget that they reflect the company's philosophy, values, quality and service; therefore, they neglect the work environment and employers assume that they provide their employees with the necessary tools to carry out their duties and perform properly. In the present investigation, the study to measure the organizational climate in an SME in the service sector of the state of Hidalgo is proposed, through the application of a questionnaire to its workers, in order to know the perception that they have about the environment that surrounds them in the company. Once the information was processed, alarming results were obtained, which indicated that the company has an organizational climate with a low level, this means that the employees lack motivation, commitment and are not satisfied. Given this analysis, their leaders could implement actions to drive the management of changes in their work environment and manage to plan techniques that influence workers so that there is a feeling of belonging that motivates them to improve their performance and thus increase productivity, services are optimized to be more competitive and the permanence of the company in the market is ensured.
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    Estrategia de Compensaciones como Herramienta de Satisfacción Laboral
    (Revista GEON (Gestión, Organizaciones y Negocios), 2019-07-16) Torres-Flórez, Dagoberto
    In the labor relationship between the company and the collaborator are the compensations (salaries, increases, incentives and Social Benefits) the calls to significantly influence the satisfaction of the employees, that is why organizations must establish strategic elements, then convert them to operational plans with a defined budget, knowing the collaborator not only in their personal matters, but also in family matters, their preferences, their tastes, their life project, understanding the integrality of being in contribution to the organization.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Comercio Informal en el Espacio Público del Barrio San Isidro en Villavicencio, Meta Colombia. Legalización ¿Realidad o Utopía?
    (Revista GEON (Gestión, Organizaciones y Negocios), 2019-01-25) Castro Garzón, Hernando; Romero Rincón, Yuri Yaneth; Sarmiento Suarez, Karol Liceth
    The phenomenon of informality has been highlighted as one of the factors that affect the labor market in Colombia and the world, not only because of its effect on the economy, but also because of its accelerated growth. The present work is directed to identify the main reasons of permanence of the informal merchants in the streets of the San Isidro neighborhood, where the municipal market square functioned, in the city of Villavicencio, Colombia. The previous thing, has been product of a decade of failures on the part of the institutionality without still the decision on the ordering of this zone is known; generating an inadequate management and disposal of organic waste as well as the invasion of public space. Additionally, it has been shown that temporary solutions such as the eviction of jobs only bring violence in the places where it is carried out. Therefore, the permanence is given in terms of: income level, flexible hours, autonomy, experience and knowledge of the market; adding that formalization is not considered as a viable alternative to trade.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Análisis del Riesgo Financiero y Riesgo de Salud para las Enfermedades de Alto Costo en una EPS de la Ciudad de Bucaramanga Año 2018
    (Revista GEON (Gestión, Organizaciones y Negocios), 2019-01-25) Almeida Espinosa, Alexander; Castro Mendez, Wilson
    Introduction: High cost diseases have become today a determinant and indicator of durability, quality and provision of health services in the health promoters (Eps) of the city of Bucaramanga. Added to this, the high cost has been growing in this city in an uncontrolled way, because people are not following conditions of healthy living habits and efficient health controls, which are recommended according to their health scheme, clinical picture and health factors. health identified. All this negatively affects the provision of health services, since it causes a higher administrative cost that entails the protection and provision with quality of health schemes to combat the mitigation of factors and the same high-cost illness. Objective: to analyze the financial and health risk of high cost diseases in an eps of the city of Bucaramanga in 2018. Methodology: a descriptive, cross-sectional, prospective study with a quantitative approach. Conclusions High cost diseases place the eps of the city of Bucaramanga at financial and administrative risk due to the high cost that must be had to mitigate them and improve the quality of life of users.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Normatividad de la Ley de Patentes y Marcas: Una Perspectiva Mexicana
    (Revista GEON (Gestión, Organizaciones y Negocios), 2019-07-16) Sánchez Cortes, Rogelio Alberto; Vallejo Hernández, Laura; Duana Avila, Danae
    The patent is a complex legal tool that is part of the intellectual right, it is officially recognized to someone an invention and the rights that derive from it, we define the patent concept, we describe the Mexican system and we show the situation that the brands keep in Mexico. The theory shows that the economic benefits derived from the exploitation of the patent and the resulting inventions for public and private dissemination and use must be with benefits to society, which will raise the technical level of a country.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    La Atención al Cliente, el Servicio, el Producto y el Precio como Variables Determinantes de la satisfacción del Cliente en una Pyme de Servicios
    (Revista GEON (Gestión, Organizaciones y Negocios), 2019-07-16) Valenzuela Salazar, Nemecio Lorenzo; Buentello Martínez, Clara Patricia; Gomez, Lilia Alanis; Villareal Sánchez, Veronica
    Service quality has become very important in recent years in all businesses, because customers currently have very high expectations and skills are higher, as each company tries to match or exceed these expectations. Good quality services must be offered and anticipated to respond to a broad range of customer needs. Service quality is not only about how to manage a product, but how to serve customers before and after handling. That is why quality in the service is used in organizations as a tool for differentiation.
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    Estudio de Mobbing en una Institución de Educación Superior en Hidalgo
    (Revista GEON (Gestión, Organizaciones y Negocios), 2019-07-16) Martínez Muñoz, Enrique; Hernández-Gracia, Tirso Javier; Martínez Muñoz, Bernardino; Montesinos Hernández, Joel
    The objective of this research is to conduct a study to determine the degree of bullying perceived or perceived in the teaching staff of a public institution of higher education (IES), located in the central part of the state of Hidalgo, based on the theoretical position and conceptual of Leymann. This research considers the conceptualization of the mobbing phenomenon, from its antecedents, concepts and studies in the organizational context. The instrument that allows the measurement of mobbing, supported with validity and reliability, is the questionnaire called LIPT-60 ("Leymann Inventory of Psychological Terrorization"). The results obtained describe the existence of mobbing in the institution of higher education, with values observed below level 1, specifically in the subscales of job loss, incommunication, and overt intimidation. That is why in higher education institutions is essential to perform this type of work in order to identify, assess and know if there are risks of workplace harassment, to be in possibility if this were the case to have timely preventive measures. In this context, analyzing the results will establish prevention strategies to reduce or eradicate workplace harassment in this organization.